Training Program
Instructional Videos
Select a lesson package below to begin streaming and/or downloading your Air Revelation training program through the Vimeo On Demand platform.

Package 1
Free Spirometer
included with this package *
Over 129 Minutes of content
Includes full-length instructional videos for Week 1, 2, 3, 4 & the Advanced Week of the Air Revelation Breath Support Training Program for Musicians.
Includes express videos - shorter instructional videos to enable you to quickly get through your daily exercises
(additional Extended Series for clarinetists & saxophonists included at no charge)
* clarinetists & saxophonists should purchase long tube separately
Other Options
Do you already own an incentive spirometer?
Air Revelation instructional lessons are available to purchase through the Vimeo On Demand platform.
Choose one of the series options below to begin streaming and/or download today!
This collection includes weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Advanced Week of the Air Revelation Breath Support Training Program for Musicians.
Includes express videos (shorter instructional videos to enable you to quickly get through your daily exercises)
(Includes additional Extended Series for clarinetists & saxophonists at no charge)
Air Revelation - Breath Support Program Express Videos
- $24.99 (Click Here)
This collection includes shorter-length instructional videos of Week 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Advanced Week of Air Revelation Breath Support Training Program for Musicians.
Express Videos are intended to be viewed after watching the full length videos and after understanding the concept of each exercise. These videos will enable you to quickly get through your daily exercises
More Information
Please refer to the Training Program page to follow the correct exercises for each week of the Air Reveatlion Breath Support Training Program for Musicians.
Unlimited access to Air Revelation instructional videos
on any device.